5 Growing corporate wellness trends ripe for digital engagement

In addition to traditional health support such as preventive exams and screening, worksite education, and fitness facilities, the most successful employer wellness programs are looking to the future by integrating improved digital engagement efforts. Let’s take an in-depth look at five growing areas within the wellness industry that are ripe for a digitally enhanced approach to total health.

Stress management

Managing daily stress and building resiliency are integral to total health and improved productivity. Wellness programs that recognize the importance of mental health implement secure digital options such as text messaging or remote video sessions with Employee Assistance Program counselors. More advanced EAP options include cloud-based access to training and digital self-help resources.

Work/life balance

Flexible EAP options also help engage employees who struggle with balancing the time they spend working and the time they spend with family. Modern technology keeps employees in touch with work around the clock, so it’s important to deliver wellness options that acknowledge their connectivity yet encourage them to disconnect as part of a healthy workday.


Finding balance and building resiliency can be accomplished through self-care education and management support for self-care breaks. Many employers incorporate mindfulness and meditation apps in their employee health benefits. Employees know that if they need five minutes of guided meditation during a stressful day, they’re able to take that “time-out” without management reprisal.

Financial wellness

Financial worries are a big contributor to employee stress, but a financial wellness platform that offers advice and counseling for long-term financial health can reduce stress by as much as 50 percent. A recent Aon study revealed that 80 percent of employers offer financial wellness as part of their benefits package. Many financial counseling services offer a multi-platform approach that includes traditional counseling, webcasts and online resources.

Digital mindfulness

With an increased online presence comes a need for a new offering: digital mindfulness counseling. While the American Psychiatric Association still hasn’t identified a diagnosis indicative of addiction to social media, too much time spent online can have negative effects on work and family life, and overuse can contribute to depressive episodes. Ironically, the smart use of social media within a wellness program could help over-users break free by offering face-to-face alternatives to endless feed surfing.

Diversifying communication platforms can allow you to reach more of your employees and increase utilization. Aquila builds custom workplace wellness solutions with integrated digital components that offer analytics to measure engagement and effectiveness. An award-winning health and fitness consultancy, for the last 25 years Aquila has been creating, managing, designing and implementing innovative health and fitness solutions for private and public organizations. Learn more about Aquila’s custom solutions for your corporate wellness program by contacting us at info@aquilaltd.com.