5 Ways to improve workplace wellness for remote teams

The post-pandemic workplace is shaping up to look vastly different from the workplace of 2019. As employees begin to navigate their new remote or flexible work arrangements, or as they return full-time to the workplace, they need access to resources and spaces that are conducive to productivity, without sacrificing mental health.

Here are five ways workplace wellness programs can promote healthy workspaces to help remote employees find balance and calm when they need it most.

  1. Invest in remote office spaces. For those still at home, invest in an ergonomic chair, high-speed wifi, or a standing desk to optimize at-home office space.
  2. Set clear expectations for working hours. Employees were working longer hours before the pandemic due to the “always on” nature of connected technology. Time boundaries provide employees with buckets of time for both work and family, and less of the ill-defined imbalance that can lead to higher levels of stress.
  3. Keep remote team members connected. During working hours, it’s appropriate for members of a remote team to use software to keep in touch via chat or email. One of the challenges of managing remote teams is helping each member feel like they’re truly still part of a cohesive group.
  4. Encourage movement. Movement is essential for stress relief. Many employers are offering exercise breaks, virtual workout subscriptions, and other movement options to help employees stay focused and productive. Encourage walks outside for fresh air and sunshine.
  5. Promote mental health benefits. Employees who are the most stressed often feel like they don’t have time for self-care. If a manager encourages them to take advantage of benefits like telehealth appointments, virtual counseling, and other digital wellness services, it’s more likely they’ll make time to do so. During times or stress or upheaval, reminding employees about their wellness benefits can make them stop and think about mental and emotional health, giving them “permission” to make themselves—and their dependents—a priority.

Customize solutions for your teams

Many companies are navigating remote and flexible teams for the first time, or on a much larger scale than ever before. Whether your team is fully remote and will stay that way, or you’re planning a transition back to the workplace, your wellness benefits and working environment probably need updating to support a highly stressed team.

That’s where Aquila can help. An award-winning health and fitness consultancy, for the last 25 years Aquila has been creating, managing, designing and implementing innovative health and wellness solutions and healthy physical environments for private and public organizations. Learn more about what Aquila can do for your team by contacting us at info@aquilaltd.com.