Designing the WELL v2 fitness center

The International WELL Building Institute issued a new version of its certification standards in 2018 that includes a call-to-action for anyone designing or updating a fitness center.

In a recent interview with Metropolis Magazine, WELL CEO Rachel Gutter reveals that a series of roundtable discussions around the globe led the organization to approach its desired health outcomes based on the best practices of 1,000 member organizations.

WELL v2 features 10 categories:

  1. Air
  2. Water
  3. Nourishment
  4. Light
  5. Movement
  6. Thermal Comfort
  7. Sound
  8. Materials
  9. Mind
  10. Community

When compared to the seven healthy building categories outlined in WELL v1, there is one significant category change that directly speaks to fitness center design. Gutter explains to Metropolis that the fitness category has been reimagined into a movement category that expands the scope of physical movement to include populations, cultures and abilities that the previous definition did not encompass. WELL v2 also provides a detailed look inside the facets of fitness center design and management that earn points applicable toward project certification.


WELL v2 defines point values for specific building enhancements that address physical movement, the organization’s answer to a growing health crisis that reveals nearly one-quarter of all adults worldwide get little to no physical activity. The standard defines, in detail, the minimum space requirements for dedicated movement facilities that are either on-site or within a specific distance that’s easily accessible to building inhabitants. Access must be provided at no charge.


The new standards go so far as to define what equipment is required in a fitness center, as well as the capacity to accommodate the population that equipment will serve.


The frequency at which an organization offers age-appropriate and free organized fitness programming—led by a certified fitness professional—determines how many points are earned in the certification process. Programs are evaluated for the total minutes of physical activity they offer.

Promotions and Engagement

Simply providing opportunities for physical activity isn’t enough for WELL v2. Organizations are also expected to offer incentives and challenges that engage the eligible population in fitness programming. Following through, organizations must also track engagement numbers and submit monthly averages in an annual report through the upgraded WELL dashboard.

The movement beyond sustainability and green building addresses human health needs to build healthy populations in all walks of life. Whether your fitness center design project is a new build or a renovation, Aquila has years of experience designing sustainable and WELL-certified fitness centers. An award-winning health and fitness consultancy, for the last 25 years Aquila has been creating, managing, designing and implementing innovative health and fitness solutions for private and public organizations. Learn more about Aquila’s custom solutions for your WELL v2 design project by contacting us at