Aquila Contributes to ACSM’s Post-Covid 19 Reopening Facility Guidelines

Miami, FL  USA – Jul 10, 2020

Aquila Contributes to American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Post Covid-19 Facility Opening Guidelines

MIAMI July 10, 2020 — Aquila’s South-East Director, Lauren Korzan, MA and ACSM Exam Board Member has authored ACSM reopening guidelines post Covid-19 infographic and contributed to ACSM’s “COVID-19 Reopening and Return to Play Resources”.  ACSM is dedicated to supporting the exercise science and sports medicine community, particularly with resources that can be utilized during the COVID-19 pandemic.  ACSM has created and curated a number of resources on the reopening of fitness facilities, sporting event considerations and returning to training/ play after illness.

Download Your ACSM Facility Opening Guidelines Here.