Aquila fitness center reopening checklist

Fitness centers that have been shuttered due to the pandemic have started to reopen, but some studies reveal members are hesitant to return. While Aquila fitness centers are taking daily measures to deep-clean and sanitize equipment, locker rooms, and high-touch surfaces, the fitness industry faces an uphill battle when it comes to the public’s perception of risk due to lack of cleanliness or air quality control.

As fitness center managers adjust facility protocols in anticipation of reopening, there are a few other essential steps every gym must take to provide a healthy environment and help reassure members that it’s safe to return. Even if your facility is already open, it’s not too late to add the items on this checklist as a proactive approach to protecting members and staff.

Inspect for mold

Any building that has been vacant for even a few days, much less months, is susceptible to mold growth when humidity levels reach 50 percent or higher. Have building maintenance staff or a trained industrial hygienist inspect your building for mold growth. If mold is found, the building should remain closed during remediation and repairs.

Verify water system and pool safety

Another concern for all fitness and aquatics centers is stagnant water in pipes, spas and pools after a period of low or no use. Legionella and other bacteria can grow in stagnant water in pipes. Complete a water system flush (with staff wearing N95 masks to reduce the risk of aerosolized contamination) in stages to replace all stagnant water in pipes with fresh water. Allow the hot water flowing through shower and sink taps to reach at least 120 degrees during the flush. After a prolonged shut-down, it’s wise to have all water sources tested for Legionella and to make sure any drinking water filtration systems have been thoroughly sanitized.

Complete an HVAC flush

After any necessary mold remediation and water system flush, air quality is the next checklist item. Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems can be a breeding ground for contaminants when not in use. Every facility needs to complete a 3-4 day HVAC system flush before occupying the building, monitoring the filters and replacing them at least once during the process, and again once the flush is complete and all smells are gone.

Invest in an electrostatic sprayer

Disinfecting large spaces using EPA-approved sanitizing agents is a big job, but one that Aquila-managed facilities have implemented daily. Using an electrostatic sprayer to positively charge antimicrobial droplets in a “wrap-around” effect can expedite the sanitizing process and has been shown effective against COVID and other pathogens.

Communicate with staff, members on all channels

Finally, to address members’ hesitation to return, communicate the steps your fitness center is taking to provide a clean and healthy environment. In-club banners, digital screen messages, email newsletters, website FAQ pages, and social media posts are all ways to help members feel better about coming back to the gym.

If managing the reopening process seems overwhelming, give us a call. An award-winning health and fitness consultancy, for the last 25 years Aquila has been creating, managing, designing, and implementing innovative health and wellness solutions for private and public organizations. Learn more about what Aquila can do for your fitness center by contacting us at