Aquila Shares with the USREPS Top 3 Fitness Management Tips

Miami, FL  USA – May 23, 2023

Aquila Shares with the US Registry of Exercise Professionals Top 3 ways Exercise Physiologists Provide Expertise in Health and Fitness Management Programs

MIAMI, May 23, 2023 — Aquila’s Lauren Korzan, MS and South East Regional Program Manager shares Top 3 ways Exercise Physiologists Provide Expertise in Health & Fitness Management Programs.

Exercise physiologists (EP) often work in a variety of health and fitness programs, including commercial, community, and corporate fitness settings, among others. EPs can provide valuable expertise to these programs in three key ways:

  1. Participants in health and fitness programs often range from those who are healthy and without disease to those with medically controlled disease. EPs have a standard knowledge of a variety of cardiovascular, pulmonary, metabolic, and musculoskeletal diseases, and have received training in how to provide appropriate exercise programs for individuals with these conditions.
  2. EPs are often responsible for risk management strategies within their programs. This includes following appropriate pre-participation screening guidelines for exercise testing and prescription to maximize the safety of the participants in their program, as well as minimize any potential risk. Risk management strategies also include maintaining employee records to ensure that their team is up to date with their CPR and professional certifications.
  3. In programs that offer fitness testing, an EP can determine the appropriate tests for a client, as well as how to modify testing protocols when necessary. This includes knowing when to terminate an exercise test, the effect of certain medications on an exercise test, and the physiological response to exercise testing. Practicing responsible fitness testing protocols also helps to ensure the safety of the participants.

While the EP is usually part of a comprehensive team within a health and fitness program, their expertise and experience cannot be underestimated. EPs are often looked upon for their leadership and knowledge of how to keep their program safe and effective for all participants.

Lauren continues, “Exercise physiologists serve as the bridge between medical science and exercise prescription. Their ability to develop tailored exercise programs for individuals with varying health conditions ensures that everyone, regardless of their starting point, can participate in and benefit from health and fitness programs.Exercise physiologists bring valuable expertise to health and fitness management programs through these 3 contributions. By designing inclusive programs tailored to individuals with diverse health conditions, prioritizing participant safety through risk management strategies, and conducting responsible fitness testing protocols, exercise physiologists ensure safe and effective experiences for all participants. Their comprehensive knowledge and leadership play a vital role in promoting health, well-being, and achieving fitness goals within these programs.”

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