Aquila Shares Workout Tips with WebMD

Miami, FL  USA – January 21, 2021

Aquila Shares Latest Workout Tips with WebMD

MIAMI January 21, 2021 — In the latest WebMD articles on setting your fitness goals and working out from home, Aquila’s South-East Director, Lauren Korzan, MA and ACSM Exam Board Member shares effective workout tips.

At a time when it’s much more difficult, if not impossible, to get to the gym, you might be tempted to blow off your New Year’s resolution to get in shape. “This is a tough time as many of us are managing telework, virtual school, and general stress about the pandemic,” says Atlanta’s Lauren Korzan. But exercise can actually be a great way to manage the stress we’re all feeling.

To start, Lauren recommends a yoga mat, a good pair of shoes, and some type of resistance like dumbbells, tubing, or a TRX suspension trainer. She says investing in an expensive piece of equipment like a “smart” fitness machine might be worth it depending on your budget and personality. “For some people, just the act of spending that amount of money helps keep them accountable.”

Read Complete WebMD article “Tips to Help You Set and Meet Goals” Here

Read Complete WebMD article “Steps to Starting a Workout Program at Home”  Here