The hottest workplace wellness trends of 2019

Workplace wellness programs have changed so much in the past two decades that it’s time to take a step back and view the trends reports with an experienced eye. We know that successful employee wellness programs aren’t solely focused on physical health. The shift is toward overall well-being and whole-person health.

The 2019 Employee Wellness Industry Trends Report lists the latest wellbeing program must-haves as reported by HR benefits brokers:

  • 68% of employers report they’ll be investing more in financial wellness solutions this year
  • 61% of companies surveyed are increasing efforts to provide telemedicine options
  • 58% are investing more in stress management solutions
  • 55% of respondents are allocating more funds for mental health services

The common denominator among the top trends for 2019 and beyond: stress. A closer look reveals that hidden trend among the new contenders in the wellness sphere.

Financial wellness

While 401(k) matching and student loan forgiveness programs still have their place in the HR benefits world, employee financial wellbeing has become an area of focus. Employers report that financial concerns are one of the top stressors that lead to mental health issues.


Remote physician visits via telemedicine benefit the providers and recipients. Telemedicine provides a cost-effective and convenient option that serves both the bottom line and a potential cause of stress and absenteeism.

Stress management/resilience

More than half of the companies responding in the Trends Report plan to spend more on employee stress management and resilience-building programs this year. Stress management and mental health programming are closely related, explaining why both types of programming made the top four trends for 2019.

Mental health

Employee assistance programs (EAPs) continue to rank highest among the programs employers will offer to address mental health concerns. Online education programs and seminars take a close second to EAPs, revealing again that increasing employee knowledge is a primary HR focus to combat stress.

Mental health programs also address the need for physical health, as employers realize that balance between the two is necessary for mental health. Yoga, meditation classes, physical activity and nutrition support fall under the mental health umbrella.

The key take-away

This year’s focus on combating stress is a call to engage employees and empower them to make positive change. A healthy balance of knowledge, support and healthy lifestyle changes provides for total wellbeing, but getting employees to take advantage of those benefits can be a challenge.

Aquila can help.

An award-winning health and fitness consultancy, for the last 25 years Aquila has been creating, managing, designing and implementing innovative health and fitness solutions for private and public organizations. Learn more about what Aquila can do for your wellbeing program by contacting us at