A toolkit for building trend-proof fitness programming
Fitness centers are re-opening gradually in a world where capacity limits are the norm. A pre-COVID fitness trends survey saw a drop in the importance of small-group training. However, gym managers know now, more than ever, that adjusting their fitness programming to meet members’ expectations will be essential for business solvency and success.
Use the following tools to inform your fitness center programs and cater to your member base.
Measure utilization
Class instructors are a great source of utilization numbers. Simple head counts, recorded on a utilization report that is turned in weekly, can provide club managers with a solid foundation for further programming review.
Gyms that are reopening group exercise and club amenities on an appointment basis have a unique opportunity to gauge interest in programs based on reservations, but only after member utilization has leveled out. Remember that utilization review is just the first step in planning any programming changes.
Survey your influencers
Ask members what they want in the form of annual or semi-annual surveys. While your most engaged members will be the most likely to participate in a survey, in this case, that’s exactly what you need.
Increase member participation in your survey by following these guidelines from SurveyMonkey:
- Limit most answer choices to one, closed-ended format. We like the least useful – most useful scale to measure existing programming.
- Limit open-ended questions to a maximum of two. Keep those at the end, leave space for comments, and make sure they’re optional.
- Keep questions opinion-neutral. People are less likely to answer leading questions, especially if they don’t agree. “How much do you love our new yoga classes?” doesn’t apply to those who haven’t taken the class. In this instance, a ranking of existing classes from “most useful” to “least useful” might be a better option.
- Craft five questions or fewer. Showing respect for members’ time will get you far more participation than asking them to complete a 15-minute survey, so create a highly focused set of questions based on utilization measurements.
Establish an advisory board
Trainers and instructors who interact with members daily can provide insight into utilization trends and identify top influencers. Ask those fitness professionals and VIPs to serve on an informal advisory board that conducts quarterly utilization and survey reviews. Provide a high-level programming plan and ask for board member recommendations. As a bonus, taking this step will help build a sense of community and ownership among your staff and members.
Plan, implement, assess
Implementing changes requires a measured approach to avoid negatively impacting the value of membership. Also, after you implement best practices to craft timeless and engaging programming that members love, regular evaluation is the key to keeping your fitness center activities relevant to changing member needs.
You don’t have to do it alone. Aquila can help.
An award-winning health and fitness consultancy, for the last 25 years Aquila has perfected engagement strategy and planning tactics for private and public organizations. Learn more about what Aquila can do for your fitness center by contacting us at info@aquilaltd.com.