The new face of wellness coaching in a digital world

Technology has a firm hold on the health and wellness industry. Many apps and even Employer Assistance Programs offer “coaching” through off-the-shelf motivational content and digital self-help options.

Artificial intelligence might be rapidly developing, but it won’t soon take the place of an experienced and qualified wellness coach as part of a whole-person health program. Keep your coaching program tech-flexible while still offering the human connection that many wellness clients need by embracing change while you hold onto a little tradition.

In-person vs. virtual wellness coaching

Virtual wellness coaching has become big business in recent years as telemedicine has become more mainstream. While coaches face certain challenges in a virtual environment that doesn’t allow for as much nonverbal communication, the benefits of a virtual coaching program are substantial:

  • Convenience for coach and client
  • Low overhead costs
  • Increased geographical reach

While these benefits of virtual wellness coaching make a solid business case for integrating the option into your toolbox, there are always reasons to keep in-person consultations available.

  • Appeals to more traditional clients
  • Allows integration of nonverbal cues (body language)
  • Not hindered by technology challenges

Keep both options on the table

Both virtual and traditional wellness coaching models have their benefits and challenges for both coaches and clients. The big take-away from this piecemeal industry shift to telecoaching is that a hybrid model may be the customizable wellness solution of the future. Offering both traditional, in-person sessions and virtual sessions offers a real sense of human connection as well as the convenience of a virtual option. Clients will adopt the format that best fits their lifestyle – and when it comes to lifestyle change coaching, having that option sends clients a positive message and sets them up for greater success.

If the pace of technological innovation has you stumped when developing a corporate wellness program that maximizes engagement, you’re not alone. Many Aquila clients recognize that health is important, and that providing a wellness program that embraces technology and successful lifestyle change isn’t thrown together in a month, or even a year.

An award-winning health and fitness consultancy, for the last 25 years Aquila has been creating, managing, designing and implementing innovative health and wellness solutions for private and public organizations. Learn more about what Aquila can do for your wellness program by contacting us at