What does corporate fitness center management include?

While corporate fitness center management isn’t a “one-size-fits-all” proposition, there are a few universal services that are customizable to fit the needs of any employee/member population. Here’s a quick list of what to expect from a reputable and full-service corporate fitness center management company.

Initial Fitness Center Design and Development

From feasibility and market research to the latest health-focused improvements, a management company will be able to contribute to the overall business plan, goals, and design of any new or renewed fitness facility. This phase of development helps a company determine target audience, membership structure and marketing, signage and equipment, staffing needs, internal processes, and operational approach.

Scalable Corporate Fitness Center Management Options

A small onsite fitness center with just a few cardio machines may not need full-time management or staffing. Larger sites that offer group exercise classes, access to virtual class subscriptions, and personalized services or spa services will require a fully managed approach. Expect your management company to offer options that are scalable to your site’s needs and goals.

Member Health Engagement

A corporate fitness center is only one facet of a workplace that promotes whole-person wellness. While it’s important to promote movement programs and services, it’s equally important to build a culture of health through regular population screening, health assessments, condition management programs, and easily accessible engagement options. Like all management services, engagement programs should be tailored to population needs, and could even be a stand-alone service for corporate wellness programs without onsite fitness center management.

Wellbeing and Lifestyle Programming

Programs that promote healthy habits for life are the cornerstone of any successful employee health initiative. Wellbeing and lifestyle coaching programs focus on improving healthy habits, and could include nutrition counseling, corporate fitness or nutrition challenges, substance cessation programs, and other approaches to motivating, inspiring, and even incentivizing healthy behaviors.

Integrated Technology Solutions

Fitness center operations, fitness programming, engagement, and lifestyle change solutions are more accessible when initially approached through omnichannel delivery. If your fitness center members are able to participate in virtual classes, track their progress, check in, reserve training or spa services, and even participate in corporate challenges using enterprise smartphone solutions, they’re more likely to remain engaged and see real health benefits from your wellness and fitness programs.

There are a lot of options to consider when searching for the right corporate fitness center management company. Before you begin, consider a quick consulting call with the experts at Aquila. Contact us at info@aquilaltd.com to learn more about our corporate fitness center management and wellness consulting services. Aquila has more than 25 years’ experience customizing wellness and fitness packages, and we’ll help you determine which services are best to serve your fitness center and population.